

From 'Expo' to 'Park Hall'

This time last year, we announced the major renovation of our former coach house and staircase. The aim of this renovation was to create a distinctive main entrance that would allow us to separate MKB Fonds, area from the lower rear area, and also allow us to add extra toilets and storage space. All of this was done in such a way that it met the demands of our time, while also respecting the history of Wester-Amstel.


We are happy to announce that all of the renovation work is finished and that the results have exceeded our expectations. We would like to thank architects Jan Loerakker, from LOA in Copenhagen, and Ralph Boom, from Linge-Boom Architekten in Düsseldorf; contractor AF Bouw; glass supplier G.J. van der Woning; SONS paintwork; Mb.totaalinstallatie; Installation company Holdinga; and all the volunteers who came to help.

Photo (RCE): Pre-expo, the coach house in 1984.
Photo: The Park Hall is now ready for receptions!
Photo: The wired glass doors have been replaced with frosted glass.

Visitors to both the office and our public area now enter into a warm reception area that pays tribute to the past, while also embracing every contemporary comfort. The bricks on the floor and the lanterns on the wooden walls all exude the spirit of the past. While a decent wardrobe, two visitors' toilets, a private pantry, and a hidden beamer ensure modern convenience. The wobbly black plastic IKEA folding chairs have been replaced by beautiful ergonomic vintage wooden folding chairs from a school in Stuttgart. The work of art "shadow of the coach", a life-size image of the summer brig that used to be parked here by the Lissone-Movig family, marks the entrance. This is a joint effort by photographer Rinke van Zanden, designer Ted Heijmans, and the glass artists from G.J. van der Woning.

And then the name. Many of you know the downstairs room as ‘The Expo'. That name has stuck, because of its use in recent decades as an exhibition area. However, exhibitions will no longer be held here in the coming years. Instead, there will be public events such as lectures, concerts, and the like. The first events can already be found on our website. The space can also be rented out for meetings, receptions, and the occasional party. In short, 'expo' no longer covers the scope of the space. During the room’s first official event, last March, by the neighbourhood association Amsteloevers, the true character of the space revealed itself. Thanks to the enlarged window on the south side, there is now a full view of the surrounding park. It has thus become the 'Park Hall’. We hope that you can experience our new space for yourself in the coming months.


Would you like more information about renting this hall? Send a message to info@wester-amstel.nl.

Photo (S.L.Movig): Pre-war sign-language.

By: Søren Ludvig Movig