


Wester-Amstel’s park and gardens produce a wide range of crops and goods throughout the year. We harvest a variety of vegetables; kitchen, medicinal, and dyeing herbs; hard and soft fruits; and even firewood. And the best part is, we grow everything the old fashion way, meaning we don’t use fertilizers or pesticides.


So, what happens to everything we harvest? A portion goes to our volunteers to thank them for their hard work. And a portion, thanks to those same volunteers, is turned into exclusive Wester-Amstel products like jams, chutneys, teas, liqueurs, potpourri, soaps, and other special treats. These beautiful, handcrafted products are sold at events, special occasions and on request (while stocks last!). The money we earn from our products goes back into our park and gardens, so that we can ensure your visit to Wester-Amstel is as memorable as possible!


Are you interested in purchasing some of our special Wester-Amstel products? Then stop by one of our events or send an email to info@wester-amstel.nl.

Wester-Amstel vegetable and flower seed packets, sitting on a table in rows

Spring is finally here and that means it's time to get planting!


We’ll be selling a variety of Wester-Amstel seeds at the entrance of the garden on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:00-14:00..


In the coming weeks, we also hope to start selling plants and other Wester-Amstel products... So stay tuned for more via our Facebook page!


Vegetable and flower seeds include: Fennel, Flat Beans, Herb-of-Grace, Red Rubin Basil, Dyer’s Greenweed, Obedient Plant, Foxglove, Love-in-a-Mist, Nicotiana Tabacum, Apple-of-Peru, Common Agrimony, Rose Mallow, Common Mallow, Woad, Delphinium, Marigold, Poppy, Oriental poppy, Coneflowers, Anise Hyssop