
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Protocol

The Friends of Wester-Amstel Foundation records details of its friends, volunteers and relations such as name, address, place of residence, telephone number, e-mail address and, if necessary, bank account number, which are necessary for contact with them and for the collection of the donations and donations.


All personal data is handled in accordance with the legal requirements of the General Data Processing Act (GDPR). All this data is used exclusively for the purposes for which it was obtained, such as collecting direct debits or sending information, such as annual reports and newsletters. Personal data will not be made available to third parties. Our website is SSL certified. If you use the contact or registration form on the website, your data will be sent encrypted.


Specifically, the Foundation collects and uses the following personal data:


Of Friends: 

1.  Voorletters
2. Title
3. Last name
6. Address
7. Postal code
6. Hometown
7. Telephone number(s)
8. E-mail address
10. Payment method
11. Bank-account details


Of volunteers:

1.  Voorletters
2. Title
3. Last name
6. Address
7. Postal code
6. Hometown
7. Telephone number(s)
8. E-mail address
9. Birth date and year
10. Birth place


Of other relations:

1.  Voorletters
2. Title
3. Last name
4. Organisatie
5. Functie/titel
6. Address
7. Postal code
6. Hometown
7. Telephone number(s)
8. E-mail address


Above personal data is used for: gegevens worden gebruikt voor

- Regular or incidental mailings to Friends
- Invoicing annual contributions and other payments of Friends
- Communications with volunteers
- Insurance registration of volunteers


U kunt zich te allen tijde een verzoek indienen voor het verkrijgen van inzicht in de van u bekende persoonlijke gegevens, het wijzigen of het verwijderen hiervan. U doet dit door het zenden van een bericht aan de secretaris van het bestuur, in zijn hoedanigheid van Functionaris Bescherming Persoonsgegevens. Zijn contactgegevens  zijn:

Stichting Vrienden van Wester-Amstel
p/a Amsteldijk-Noord 55
1183 TE Amstelveen
Email: secretaris@wester-amstel.nl



Usage of cookies on this website

 A cookie is a simple small program that is sent to your device when opening a page of a website. It can be stored by your browser on the hard drive of your device. Cookies are tools intended to personalize a page, collect statistics and / or data about the user. Cookies can collect personal information. These can be used by the website owner and shared with other parties.

We make a limited use of cookies: we use "google analytics" from the company Google to collect anonymized data about the usage of our website. We use "Recaptcha", also from Google, to prevent abuse of the sign-up form on our friends page. But we do not collect personal data using these cookies. We also do not use cookies that store personal usage preferences. We also do not use marketing cookies, i.e. cookies that are used to make you personalized offers.

Please check Google's website for information on how they are using your personal data, as collected via 'Google Analytics'. You can refuse the collection of personal data by Google by not clicking the 'ok' button in our cookie statement. You will still be able to access the information on our website.