No "Peeking at the Neighbours" this year. Normally, we volunteers always visit a fellow estate on a Saturday in September. Always fun and educational, we are often surprised to see how others maintain their gardens and parks so beautifully. With that being said, we sometimes forget what an estate is really for: to relax and enjoy the outdoors together.
So, this year, we flipped the script and held an extravagant garden party at Wester-Amstel instead. We even invited our neighbours.
The weather was magnificent, the guests were dressed to impress, a 'high tea' was set up in the garden room, all the while the jazz trio 'Panville' played infectious manouche jazz in the ornamental garden. The chatter never stopped, the (well-stocked) drinks disappeared quickly, and a party animal paid the bill. You can imagine: this was something that people talked about for a long time.
By: Søren Ludvig Movig